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Risk & Crisis Communicator, and Litigation PR Pro

Risk & Crisis Communicator, and Litigation PR Pro
Remote Posted By Rany L

Myself as a PR consultant, and my independent consultancy in a nutshell... An independent boutique PR consultancy practice, and consultant that takes Risk & Crisis Communication, and Litigation PR and ties them all together in a neat purpose-driven bow.




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by Rany L Crisis Comms

Through my independent consultancy, Rany L Crisis Comms, I offer Risk and Crisis/Disaster & Emergency Communication, and Litigation Public Relations consultancy services and strategic counsel to help organizational clients to not only navigate complex and uncertain events/issues within their own organizations, or amongst external vested parties (stakeholders), but also within the wider context of compelling, difficult, and prevalent issues/crises facing our world and society during these modern times. Whether clients are facing a widespread outbreak or epidemic, a regulatory investigation, a cybersecurity breach, a workplace misconduct allegation, a product recall, a reputational crisis, a high-profile lawsuit, or a heightened impassioned urge of social responsibility to advocate for a cause, etc., I have the specialized expertise, training, and experience to help them communicate effectively with all vested parties (stakeholders), audiences, and the media in particular. Meticulously, I support and lead clients in preparing for, responding to / remediating (mitigate, reduce, deflect, avoid, or manage) and recovering from any event that could harm their organization, business, brand, or causes that matter to them. Particularly, my consultancy style involves taking a multidisciplinary approach to clients’ initiatives and communication needs depending on the stage of the matter at hand. Specifically: a) Applying risk communication before a monitored crisis hits, or Litigation Public Relations risk mapping and management prior to an approaching legal case or pending lawsuit (could be in terms of lawsuit implications arising from an issue or incident). b) Applying crisis communication when a risk or issue progresses into a crisis. c) Applying litigation public relations/communications when an unresolved issue or crisis brings about a lawsuit against a client. Or d) Applying one, two, or all three disciplines of my practice during instances of clients just looking to advocate for a cause or against a public policy, issue, or legal matter high on the public and media agenda, as it entails substantial negative impacts, which are oftentimes systemic in nature. Concretely, I provide consultancy service offerings as singular solutions, or as entire integrated programs/campaigns in addressing individual clients’ communication needs, as outlined on my independent consultancy website - Suite of Consultancy Services page: To sum it all up with a quote by Sir Robert Baden-Powell, Founder and First Chief Scout of the Worldwide Scout Movement: " Leaving things, places, and people better than you found them.'' Thus, leaving companies, organizations, communities, and causes better prepared, protected, more resilient, and sustainable than I found them.
A moving image of risk and alert communications (1).png
A moving image of risk and alert communications (1).png A moving image depicting The Court Of Public Opinion.png A moving image depicting Crisis Communication.png
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