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Looking for freelancers for our product research

Looking for freelancers for our product research
Remote Posted By Ching L

I work in a fintech company (Useme) in Wrocław, Poland. I am looking for some passionate freelancers to talk about their freelancing story, the pros, and cons of being a freelancer. It will be a friendly 30-minute conversation with my colleagues.


Remote - Work from Anywhere


in Business - Remote & Virtual Assistants

in Information Technology - Testing & QA

in Business - Sales & Marketing

by Useme


-ph Contract

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Job Description
Hello, Each participant for the interview will get a $20. If you are interested in talking with us, please answer the following questions in the offer. -Country -Your Industry -How many projects do you have per month -How long have you been working as a freelancer -Where your clients come from such as local, foreign, and both I-f you work with foreign clients, can you please tell us where do you find them? Thanks and looking forward to your responses!
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